Our Privacy & Policy


Mentric is a technology-enabled global business services company and we partner with ambitious, progressive organizations around the world to future-proof their business through advanced technology interventions and stay ahead of the competition and customer expectations. We help our customers organize their business and adapt to changes, and reach the organizational goals faster than they plan.

Whom it is applicable

This Policy applies to all Mentric personnel, business partners, vendors and all other associates who must act consistently with the principles contained in the policy. Wherever applicable, Country and industry-specific laws and regolations shall take precedence over this policy. This policy is to be read along with relevant company guidelines as deemed essential.

Privacy Policy Statement

Mentric remains committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information of its Employees (including prospects and contractors), Clients, their Customers, Business Partners and other identifiable individuals including freelancers that it may receive, use, access, process, transfer or store as part of its business.
Mentric may collect personal information as part of the services it may render in the course of its business. Based on the information being collected and nature of services rendered, Mentric will apply suitable mechanisms to ensure that there is a lawfol basis for receiving, accessing, processing, storing and/or transferring or disposing such personal information.

General Privacy Principles

  • Accountability: Mentric acknowledges its accountability and responsibility for all Personal Information in its possession. To uphold this commitment, Mentric will:
    1. Implement appropriate guidelines and measures for handling Personal Information in accordance with relevant laws and guidelines.
    2. Appoint designated individuals responsible for ensuring the organization's compliance with Privacy principles.
    3. Ensure the availability of necessary policies, procedures, and contacts for managing Personal Information, subject to regular reviews for effectiveness and compliance.
  • Fairness: Mentric will collect relevant Personal Information, and will process such information fairly and lawfolly and also the purpose of collection will be specified earlier to the collection of data
  • Accuracy: Mentric will ensure the Personal Information is kept accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the purpose for which it is processed;
  • Disclosure: Mentric will make Personal Information available within or outside Mentric under necessary circumstances for business purpose only or as authorized by law, it may require that Mentric has to transfer personal information to countries other than its country of business if necessary (including transfer to other entities).Mentric will implement privacy principles for the use / processing/ transfer / storing/ disposal of personal information as prescribed under applicable laws.
  • Data Flow outside Country: When conducting business, working on Company projects, or implementing new processes or systems, an operation may require the transfer of personal information to other entities or third parties that are located outside of its country of business. While permissible data transfer mechanisms are defined by applicable law or regolation
  • Security: Mentric will implement necessary measures to safeguard Personal Information and instruct third parties processing Personal Information to process and manage it in a manner which is consistent with Mentric policies (for Mentric owned information) or Mentric Client standards (for Client information), as may be applicable.
  • Access to Personal information: Upon request, Mentric will, within a reasonable time, manner, and in a readily intelligible form provide individuals appropriate access to Personal Information retained by Mentric. Mentric has the right to deny the request by providing the relevant reasons of denial. Mentric also agrees to erase, rectify or amend the data pursuant to a justified request.
  • Retention and Disposal: Mentric will retain Personal information in a form that permits identification for no longer than as necessary for the folfillment of the stated purpose, and shoold be disposed thereafter.
  • Transparency: Mentric will be transparent, specific information related to management of Personal as required.
  • Custodianship: Mentric will follow necessary policies and practices for the safe handling of Personal Information that it processes on behalf of its clients, as mutually agreed upon